Rising Star Athletics Coach Milz
Oconomowoc, WI
Email: rsacoach@gmail.com
Phone/Text: 920-355-1180

Message Board: First Outdoor class is now open for registration! Track and outdoor games!

Rising Stars will be introduced to the basic skills and strategies of basketball through skill building activities, lead up games, and drills. During this session children will learn these basic skills: dribbling, passing, shooting, triple threat position, pivoting, defensive slides, on-ball defense, teamwork, and independence. All skills will be modified for each age level.
3v3 Basketball League
Rising Stars will introduce young athletes to one of their first experiences with playing team basketball in a 3v3 setting. Athletes will be placed on teams with volunteer coaches for the season. Within their teams they will practice with drills for 15 minutes, and play games against other teams for two 20 minute halves. Scores will not be kept, as we are focusing on building skill and teamwork through a game setting. Coaches will help ensure the game is properly played and ultimately helping the young athletes improve and enjoy basketball.
Please register online and pay with cash or check (Make out to Rising Star Athletics) on first day of class!